The Expansion Before the Elevation

Originally written for The Sacred Desk.

"Humble yourselves, therefore, under GOD's mighty hand...
He may lift you up in due time." -1 Peter 5:6

I'm currently in what I would like to call an "expansion."

2020 has brought a lot of promise for elevation and other supernatural blessings. But with those promises of elevation and supernatural blessings also comes the promise of EXPANSION.

So, what exactly does expansion mean?

By definition, an expansion is "the action of becoming larger or more extensive." Most of the time when we hear the word expansion, it's associated with building projects or business development. Companies look to expand or grow their business when they've reached a success cap in their current level. They expand in an effort see continued growth–to see success beyond their present level of fortune.

In terms of a building expansion, property owners seek expansion when they have reached a capacity and are looking to hold more than they currently do. They look to either buy a bigger building or they look to build off of the property they currently own. But in order to build off of that current property, a tedious and egregious process must take place...

An EXPANSION process.

During the expansion process, some walls are torn down to make space. There tends to be a lot of drilling here and there, cutting of certain things, ripping of certain things. During expansion, project developers also sometimes have to subtract things here and there. And during expansion, the site doesn't always look too good; actually being in the building doesn't always feel too good, either. But both the project developers and property owner know that if they and the project's workers stick to the blueprint plans and all stay in constant communication with each other, by the time this gruesome process is done, a great work will have been completed–with a masterpiece far better than when they started.

For the sake of metaphors (because I am a poet) and for this entry (because I need to land this plane before y'all end up reading a dissertation) think of it all this way: in life, our trials are the expansion process. GOD is the property owner.  JESUS is the project developer. And we are the project's workers.

And the project, you ask? Our hearts.

See when GOD expands us, it's because He's preparing us to be able to handle what He is about to add to us that will improve not just the overall experience of our lives; He's also expanding our hearts to be able to take care of what He is about to bestow upon us. That bestowed assignment (our purpose) requires humility.

During the process of when GOD expands us, He sometimes has to subtract certain people, places and things. He may also subtract some habitual habits and character flaws, that way He can add what He needs to add to manifest the purpose He's placed within you.

GOD is a GOD of reciprocity; He's also a multiplier. What He takes from you, He restores with greater. What you give, He multiplies. And it's satisfaction guaranteed; no warranty needed.

Now does the expansion feel good? Absolutely not. I think we've learned by now that any perfecting work GOD starts in us is going to hurt; it's going to test our tenacity and our endurance. Think about when you're working out and you're using muscles you've never used before. The day after that first workout, you're SUPER SORE? Why? Because you're expanding your muscles' ability to stretch; sometimes, you're even using muscles that your body has never used before.

In terms of our faith, as GOD is perfecting us and expanding us, He is also perfecting and expanding our faith–faith we have never used before. Therefore, our hearts will be bruised, our egos definitely will be, too. But the sacrifice GOD desires from us is a broken spirit and a contrite, repentant heart (Psalm 51:17). 

Both a broken spirit and a contrite heart birth HUMILITY, which GOD calls for before He lifts us up in due time as our reference scripture states in 1 Peter 5:6. Therefore could it be that before GOD elevates me, He needs to expand me so that He can humble me, so that when the time comes for my appointed elevation I won't fumble the elevation, I won't be demoted from that elevation, and I won't lose sight of both the GOD and divine purpose that placed me there?

Maybe, just maybe, any elevation requires humility.

Right now in my life, I am waiting (sometimes impatiently if I am honest) on an elevation in my career. And the process leading up to that elevation has felt like yet another life hazing (not as bad as 2019; 2019 was THE GHETTO). GOD has been humbling THE HECK out of me to the point where I don't think there's even enough room for both my ego and the hurricane of tears in my little heart to both coexist. It's been quite the humbling start to 2020. I've felt overlooked, overworked, underpaid, and to be honest unappreciated. But then, I had to evaluate why?

Did I feel this way because I genuinely felt all of those things...or because I felt like someone owed me something? Welp. After a little ego beating, I realized that it was the latter. AND LET ME TELL YOU: NOBODY OWES YOU A DARN THING–not Jesus, not a job! You are here for a purpose; that's not to say allow people to abuse you, but know your place, and value honesty and humility. I allowed the "security" of seniority, experience, and relationships to harden my heart–thus tainting my ability to be honest and humble.

BUT THE LORD...oh, how He gathers us!

While I know that an elevation is coming my way, I also know that before I get there, GOD has to prep me for it–He has to expand me for it. And my oh my does He have to humble me for it. Again, does it always feel good? No, but as the expansion process continues, I am becoming more comfortable flexing the faith muscles, the humility muscles, and the honesty muscles I didn't always have.

I've also come to accept that before any elevation comes a great expansion, and that when the time is right, our HONEST, GOOD and FAITHFUL GOD will elevate us.

Stay encouraged, fam.
xo, Nic.


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