“Your Arms are Too Short to Box with GOD”

Originally written for The Sacred Desk.

Numbers 14:39-45 says...

39 "When Moses reported this to all the Israelites, they mourned bitterly. 40 Early the next morning they set out for the highest point in the hill country, saying 'Now we are ready to go up to the land the LORD promised. Surely we have sinned!' 41 But Moses said, 'Why are you disobeying the LORDs command? This will not succeed! 42 Do not go up, because the LORD is not with you. You will be defeated by your enemies, 43 for the Amalekites and the Canaanites will face you there. Because you have turned away from the LORD, he will not be with you and you will fall by the sword.' 44 Nevertheless, in their presumption they went up toward the highest point in the hill country, though neither Moses nor the ark of the LORD's covenant moved from the camp. 45 then the Amalekites and the Canaanites who lived in that hill country came down and attacked them and beat them down all the way to Horman."

If you can't tell by a few of my recent posts, adulting has kicked me hard lately.
It has its amazing highs, but in this past season, there have been some pretty harsh lows––with tough disappointments.

But what happens when you're in a valley, and not on the top peak of that valley, in the low of the valley and GOD is still calling you?

What happens when everything around you is collapsing––when there's no residue of your faith to believe that it will all work out for your good, and yet still, GOD is requiring you to still have that kind of faith.

And He's not only requiring that you have that kind of faith, but that you continue to uphold the responsibilities of your purpose...

Tough gig, right? But as my brother Manny once told me...

"You arms are too short to box with GOD."

And they are.

Just because life seems to be happening to you doesn't negate the fact that GOD has still called you.
Just because life seems to be happening to you doesn't negate the fact that you still have a responsibility to your calling.
Just because life seems to be happening to you doesn't negate that fact that you are still required to obey that calling.

Obedience is a requirement of the call––it's also a covering.

Think about it: Remember when you were a kid and your parents told you to be home by a certain time, and the one time you thought you were grown, disobeyed and stayed out super late, something happened that might've put you in danger or changed your life forever?

The same works with GOD. He shows us this numerous times with His beloved, yet stubborn and impatient children––the Israelites.

Before we get into our reference scripture, a little backstory for you: The Israelites were GOD's chosen people. GOD had promised their ancestor, Abraham, that Abraham would be the father of a great people (the Israelites). GOD also promised to lead the Israelites out of bondage to a land flowing with milk and honey. The Israelites were previously enslaved by the Egyptians and GOD had hardened the heart of Pharaoh––the Egyptian king––numerous times to build Israelites’ faith in Him before He freed them and would lead them to the promised land. Using Moses as His servant to lead the Israelites, eventually GOD’s chosen people were freed and they rejoiced. 

But their journey to that land of milk and honey was far from over.

GOD knew that along that journey, His people were going to become impatient––He knew they would forget the places He had previously brought them out of and would betray Him. 

He knew they’d disobey him. And they continuously did so. Many sacrificial lambs had to be slaughtered in exchange for their sins, many of their own died as a result of their disobedience, many of them never made it to the land GOD promised to them because of their disobedience.

Going back to the text at Numbers 14:39-45, earlier in the chapter, the Israelites had become tired of waiting on GOD. They’d spent decades on this trek to the promised land. What was originally supposed to be a few days––maybe a little over a month’s journey––actually turned into 40 years. And the Israelites were ticked off with GOD and their leaders––so ticked off in fact they actually started planning how they were going to stone Moses and Aaron (v.10). The same men that GOD had appointed to lead them, the Israelites were ready to kill; the same men that had pleaded with GOD on their behalf, the Israelites were ready to kill; the same men that tried to reason with GOD and deescalate His anger as a result of the Israelites’ disobedience, the Israelites were ready to kill.

They lost hope––they no longer believed Moses.
They no longer believed Aaron.
They no longer believed there was a promised land for them.
They no longer believed in the promise.
They no longer believed in GOD.

It took two of their own––Joshua and Caleb––going to the actual land and seeing it, and hearing their testament about it to actually believe that this promised land existed. But by the time they had believed, it was too late. GOD had already changed course.

But the Israelites insisted and persisted to continue their trek––without heeding to Moses' warning that the LORD was no longer with them (v. 42). 

Obedience is a covering––it keeps you in the will of GOD and in the protection of GOD. Growing up in the church, I used to hear the older saints say to my youth group, “Never go any place where the grace of GOD can’t keep you.” While I think that saying is more of a cliche than biblical (Romans 8:31-39), there is some wisdom in that statement. While there is no place GOD’s love is bound from, there are consequences for operating outside of His will.

And even delayed obedience has its consequences.

When the Israelites pursued their own journey to the promised land after GOD had warned them not to, they came into contact with their enemies and were overtaken by them; GOD had handed them over to their own will.

Friends, life is hard. And sometimes it feels easier to just give up––forget our purpose, forget our calling, forget our faith and put down any ties to it. BUT DON’T.

Your obedience to GOD’s call on your life is too great––you are too great. Obedience may hurt for a little while, but if you obey and stay the course, all things will really work out for you (Romans 8:28).

Stay encouraged and in His protection fam,
xo, Nic


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